English - German

App Privacy Policy

The "TDE Chances" app is built as a free app and can be used free of charge as is. This here is its privacy policy. Since the app is written by a single author, me, Gero Herkenrath, and I don't want to use a convoluted "the author" everywhere, I will address you as a (potential) user of the app directly. That doesn't strike me as typical legalese, but hey, I am not a lawyer anyway.

Collection and Use of Information

In short: The app doesn't collect any personal information. Unfortunately short explanations are probably not sufficient legalese these days, so here we go:

The app really does not collect any personal information. Well, unless you consider the four numbers from your TDS character's sheet personal. Even if you do, the app merely uses it to calculate the success probability and that happens on the device. Nothing of its input is sent anywhere.

(Crash) Log Data

Should the app ever crash (which I sure hope it won't) and should you have the privacy setting "Share With App Developers" activated I will receive a crash report. That might give me insight in what values you put in (depending on how the crash happened), but I still don't know who you are. This is pretty much as anonymous as it gets when you want to help developers fix bugs.


Also depending on the privacy setting "Share With App Developers" I will receive statistics from Apple about downloads, installs, visits in the AppStore, etc. Nothing in that is personally identifiable. Since this is a project I did for fun, pretty much all this does is give me a happy feeling, like "Hey, cool, somebody downloaded my app! I hope they like it!" All of it is aggregated over all users anyways, so I have no idea who downloaded it where, just that it happened.

I strongly encourage you to also check out Apple's Privacy site, and specifically the Manage Your Privacy entry. (These sites are obviously not operated by me, so I can take no responsibility for their content and would advise you to check out Apple's own privacy policy. However, also consider that Apple is making me provide this privacy policy, so yeah... I guess they'll have a decent one as well.)

The Game

The App is a tool meant to help when playing the roleplaying game "The Dark Eye", the English version of the German game "Das Schwarze Auge". The Dark Eye and Das Schwarze Auge are registered trademarks of Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems (site in German, their North American site can be found here). Again, these linked sites are not operated by me, so I can take no responsibility for their content.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Naturally things these days evolve, and sometimes quickly at that. I will update this site accordingly.

Contact Me

You can reach me via email.